January 25, 2012

this adorably offbeat picnicwear
will have you and your 'colony' marching one by one
in style

prepare to be fiercely 'stung'
by this cheeky new look!


and now you can blend in with your walls!



db said...

matchy has never been so matchy

db said...

We've all seen owls, octopi, foxes, rabbits, turtles, and elephants, but now we introduce to you the latest fashion-animal:
The Fire Ant
That's right. This peppy, venomous little friend and his vast army will be sure to delight you as they crawl across your apparel, home-furnishings, and accessories.

Anonymous said...

When whimsy attacks!

Anonymous said...

Dear, Anthroparodie,

You fools! Not since the great decorative paper debacle of a couple of days ago have your copywriters made such an elementary blunder!!

The ants in question are obviously NOT fire ants at all. It's apparent to anyone that the thoraxes of your ants are too short and the abdomens are too rounded to be those of fire ants!

I demand you cancel my subscription at once and to not ever let Kelly see these shameful entries!!

Good day, sirs!!